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The New Year can be a great time to reassess your smile and your general dental health. If it has been a while since you last saw a dentist, then why not book an appointment?

The Advantage of Regular Preventative Dental Care

[counter_circles][counter_circle_item id=1 number=”61.7″ title=”61.7% of adults ages 18-64 visit the dentist at least once a year*”][/counter_circle_item][/counter_circles]

We suggest regular dental checkups and hygiene appointments every six months and it is worth keeping up with this routine even if you think your teeth are perfectly okay. Often small problems can develop and initially they won’t cause any symptoms. By catching these issues at an earlier stage, treatment can be less invasive and less expensive.

Regular hygiene appointments are an easy way to keep your teeth looking their best and a great way to freshen up breath.

There is another very important side effect of regular dental care as it can help protect your general health. There is an extensive amount of evidence showing links between a healthy mouth and a healthy body and once you have good dental health it’s quite easy to maintain strong teeth and gums.

Are You Nervous or Anxious? Let Us Help

Here at Tsawwassen Place Dental we often see people who may not have seen a dentist for several years and we take a very gentle approach to dental care for anyone who is perhaps nervous or a little anxious. If you do feel this way, simply let us know when you book your appointment. This way we can talk to you to discover the reason for your dental fears and we will work out the best way to approach any treatment required.

We have many years of experience helping nervous patients and you will find our dental team are extremely easy to talk to and we will go out of our way to help you feel at ease. With the proper care, we can help restore dental health and the really nice thing about overcoming your dental fears is that subsequent visits should gradually become easier. Once you do have good dental health then hopefully it will just be a matter of coming to see us every six months for your checkup and professional cleaning and it’s a great feeling to know your teeth will always look their best.

Are You Thinking about Having a Smile Makeover?

Do you have a special event or milestone coming up next year? If so you might have thought about improving your appearance and a healthy and attractive smile can be a huge asset. While some improvements can be made quite quickly and easily, other treatments may require more extensive planning and could take longer to complete.

If you intend to improve your smile by a particular date, then it’s worth planning ahead. An initial consultation with Dr. Larry Leslie will help you learn more about procedures that could be useful and the costs and time involved to complete treatment. Planning ahead is also a great way to help budget for more comprehensive smile makeovers as it’s often possible to work out a treatment plan that will take place over several different phases.

Request an appointment with this convenient online form

* Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

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