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With an increasing emphasis on having a beautiful smile, more people are interested in learning how this can be achieved. There are numerous dental procedures that can be used as standalone treatments, or in conjunction with others to help improve the overall appearance of teeth. One procedure you might find helpful is to consider having your teeth veneered at Tsawwassen Place Dental.

[counter_circles][counter_circle_item id=1 number=”74″ title=”74% of adults feel an unattractive smile can hurt a person’s chances for career success.*”][/counter_circle_item][/counter_circles]

Most dental veneers are made from porcelain, although some can be made from composite resin but these are not very hard wearing or long-lasting. Porcelain is also a better choice as it resists stains and is more easily able to mimic the natural translucency of the tooth. You might also hear porcelain veneers being called laminates as they are designed to laminate or cover up the front surfaces of teeth, masking imperfections and improving appearance.

The Versatility of Porcelain Veneers

Porcelain veneers can be useful in helping to hide a variety of problems including:

  • Discoloured teeth
  • Teeth that are worn down
  • Chipped or broken teeth
  • Teeth that are slightly out of alignment
  • Irregularly shaped teeth or teeth that are too small
  • Minimizing or closing up gaps in between teeth

Dental veneers can be a great option for covering up teeth that have become discolored perhaps due to root canal therapy or to exposure to certain antibiotics or excess fluoride as a child. They are also ideal for replacing areas of teeth that might have become worn down due to acid erosion, or which are slightly chipped or fractured.

If you have just one or two teeth that have slightly out of alignment then it probably isn’t worth your while having costly and lengthy orthodontic treatment. In this case veneering just a few teeth can help improve your smile in just a few weeks. Quite a few people have gaps in between their teeth and while these can add character it can sometimes be nice to try to close them up slightly. Dental veneers might be able to close up gaps completely, or will at least help to minimize them. It’s not always possible to close out the space is entirely as there is the risk that the veneered teeth would look too wide compared to rest of your natural teeth.

Before Your Treatment

This treatment is suitable for most people, but you will need a full consultation with our dentist at Tsawwassen Place Dental to find out how veneers could help you. Our dentist will need to examine your teeth to make sure this treatment is appropriate, and they’ll discuss the procedure and its limitations so you’ll have a realistic expectation as to how much can be achieved.

Conservative Tooth Preparation

One of the really nice things about having dental veneers is that treatment is very conservative, only removing a minimal amount of tooth enamel from the teeth due to the veneered. A porcelain veneer is approximately 0.5 mm thick, so it’s only generally necessary to remove this amount of tooth structure to give beautiful results. Once our dentist is happy with the tooth preparation then they’ll take an impression that is sent to the dental laboratory so your veneers can be fabricated. This usually takes a couple of weeks, after which you can return to Tsawwassen Place Dental for fitting.

Your new veneers can be treated exactly like your natural teeth and making sure you keep them meticulously clean and that you keep up with regular checkups and professional cleanings will help prolong their life.

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* Source: AACD survey

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